buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title ProjectPulse - Modern Project Management style.css header class hero nav div ProjectPulse class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a Demo href #demo a Login class cta-button href login.html div class hero-content h1 Manage Projects with Precision and Ease p A high-performance, scalable, and secure project management system a View Demo class primary-button href #demo main section id features class features h2 Key Features div class feature-grid div class feature-card div 👥 class feature-icon h3 Multi-Role Access p Tailored dashboards for admins, teams, and clients. div class feature-card div 📊 class feature-icon h3 Real-Time Analytics p Interactive charts and dynamic visual reporting. div class feature-card div ✅ class feature-icon h3 Task Management p Drag-and-drop Kanban boards and time tracking. div class feature-card div 🔒 class feature-icon h3 Secure & Scalable p Built with Next.js and modern web technologies. section id demo class demo h2 Experience the Power of ProjectPulse div class demo-container p Ready to streamline your project management? a Get Started class primary-button href login.html footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Features href #features a Demo href #demo a Login href login.html p ProjectPulse - Built with ❤️ for modern teams. script.js